Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Honeymoon Registry Gifts

I thought today might be a good chance to update everyone on how the honeymoon registry is working out for us. When we first set everything up, we didn't really tell anyone about it, so we went months without anyone buying us any gifts off of our registry. Once we sent out the first batch of invitations to our Seattle reception, we got our first gift (from someone who isn't going to be able to make it to reception, alas).

The nice thing about the website is that it sends you an e-mail each time a new gift is received. The weird aspect of this is that there is a delay of a day, sometimes two days, between the time the gift has been received and the time the e-mail goes out. Realistically, this doesn't really matter that much; no one need to know instantly when they receive a gift on their registry.

No, I need to know at the exact moment someone sends me a gift!
One thing that did come up is that, once you receive your first gift, you also receive an e-mail from the honeymoon registry explaining how to actually get your gifts. It's pretty standard stuff; bank transfer, check, etc. The only weird caveat is that you are limited to claiming gifts from the registry to three times, so I guess you'd better be really sure that you want to claim your gifts? Seems a bit arbitrary, but I'm sure there's a reason. They also helpfully show you how much of a cut they are taking out of the gifts, which we knew was going to happen, and show you what your actual balance is.

Right now, the only thing I'm a little concerned about is that the invitations we sent out were to our party here in Seattle...which doesn't start until almost a full month after we leave for Florida. Now, if many of our guests are like Girl Scout Fiancée and I are, they may not even be thinking of a wedding gift until, oh, say, the day before the reception, at which point we'll already have been back from our honeymoon for two weeks. Are we putting people in an awkward spot, then, when they go to our registry to get us a gift, only to discover that we're already back from our honeymoon? Fortunately, Girl Scout Fiancée and I have two more trips to Disney planned for the year (one at Christmas, and one next year for our first anniversary) to take advantage of our annual passes, so if anyone waits until the last minute they can still give us gifts off of our honeymoon registry. At some point, I guess it just transforms into our anniversary trip registry!

Wedding registry, transform and roll out!

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