Today Girl Scout Fiancée introduced me to something called an Inspiration Board or Mood Board. Apparently, this is a collage of images that brides use to summarize, in a single picture, the colors and thematic elements of the wedding. Girl Scout Fiancée wanted to put one together, but all she had to work with was Microsoft Word, so tonight she enlisted my assistance to create a higher-resolution one using Photoshop, with which I am marginally proficient.
You would think this would be a rather simple thing, but then you would be wrong in thinking that, and we don't want you, dear reader, to be thinking wrong thoughts. You see, the first barrier we had to the creation of her Inspiration Board was communicating to me the board's purpose. I'll admit, I'm still a little hazy on the details, and it kind of sounds like something brides did before the advent of Pinterest, or Facebook photo albums, and yet it has stuck around despite these wonderful modern technologies. Still, once she had adequately communicated her needs to me (a process that required her to show me examples, a fair amount of yelling, and no less than three separate shadow puppet shows), we set to patching together the various images she had collected. I will confide in you that I did get to feel like a real MANLY MAN when I impressed her with some Google Image Search tricks; let that be a condemnation of the state of modern manhood, if nothing else.
Pinterest, beware, your true competition is here. |
When we were done, Girl Scout Fiancée was pleased, but asked me why I didn't put any images of groom's things on the Inspiration Board. Three answers came to mind immediately: first,
she was supposed to tell
me what to put on this board; second, that's what this blog is for; third, I should just make my own groom's Inspiration Board. However, since my main responsibility is the honeymoon, I should put together a honeymoon inspiration board. So, after an hour or so of image gathering and Photoshop sorcery, here's what I came up with.
Lifestyle change, prepare to meet your doom. |
Then, I went and got a snack, and decided to take a second crack at it. Of course, the tough part about creating a honeymoon Inspiration Board is that most of what's exciting to me about the honeymoon is me introducing Girl Scout Fiancée to Disney World, so I really need a bunch of photos of her looking excited. So, instead, I tried to pick some of the rides, activities, and (I hope you're sitting down for this) meals that I'm jazzed about. Here's the final result.
I couldn't avoid putting at least one beer on here. |
In the end, I'm pretty sure the whole Inspiration Board thing is something that falls firmly into the domain of the primary wedding planner, in this case the bride, who wants to envision how a whole event is going to tie together. Since the honeymoon is going to be a non-stop celebration, who cares what it looks like, as long as we're enjoying our first weeks of marriage together?
So, what do you think, dear reader: are Inspiration Boards a bride-only thing, or is there any good that can come out of a groom making one?
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