Full Disclosure: This is a backdated post. I wrote it after the
blog was created, but have written it in the style of an in-progress
blog so that anyone reading from the beginning will get a more sensible
narrative than time-jumping like Ted Theodore Logan through our wedding planning.
Today we did our engagement photo shoot. I've never really understood the big deal around engagement photos (maybe because my own parents didn't seem to have any), but Girl Scout Fiancée was pretty excited to do some cute ones to use as Christmas cards this year. While I don't really get it, I'm always happy to make her happy, even if that inexplicably means taking photos that can prove, in a court of law, that she is somehow associated with me. Why she would damage her reputation like that, I'll never know.
Our photographer was Bethany from
McG Photography, who did an awesome job. If you're in the Seattle area, I highly recommend hiring her. She was very accommodating to our location request, and made the two of us look great, despite our own insecurities. We took our photos at a Christmas tree farm way, way, way up north of Seattle. Let's put it this way: it was an hour and twenty minutes to drive up there.
I was rewarded for my acquiescence, however. Girl Scout Fiancée allowed me to stop at my favorite nerd bar/restaurant,
AFK Tavern (which is exactly as geeky as it sounds) for a delicious lunch of fried foods and beer. On the way home, I lapsed into a food coma (which totally sounds more socially acceptable than "passed out after only two beers") and Girl Scout Fiancée decided to stop in Newcastle to buy our Christmas tree. Unfortunately, it was pouring down rain, but we got a tree we liked and got it home safely.
We're going to use these photos on our Christmas cards, which double as engagement announcements. GSF even went so far as to design some custom signs for us to use during the shoot, which should turn out really cute.
Extra points for figuring out which one of us held each sign. |